Below you'll find a range of reasonably priced tutorials for Cheetah3D that will help you get to grips with the software and well on your way to becoming a master.
If you'd like to try my free tutorials, you can check out this Youtube playlist.
This bundle includes 8 tutorials (over 6 hours of learning) including tutorials covering: character, iPhone, wine glasses, cute planet, bowl of sweets, cartoon head, realistic clock and audio equipment.
It also includes my HDRI Studio Pack which comprises 10 HDRI images for amazing renders.
$30 - 6+ hours of tutorials
cheetah3d tutorial BUNDLELearn how to model an iPhone/smartphone in this Cheetah3D tutorial. You'll get to grips with hard surface modelling and setting up a great render.
$5 - 1 hour tutorial
iPhone Cheetah3d tutorialLearn the basics of particles and dynamics in this Cheetah3D tutorial to create a bowl and drop some sweets into it.
$5 - 36 minute tutorial
Bowl of sweets cheetah3d tutorialIn this hour long tutorial we box model a simple car and set up a render to make it look fantastic.
$5 - 1 hour tutorial
Car Cheetah3d tutorialGet to grips with the basics of Cheetah3D and learn the interface before we create this cute little planet.
$5 - 43 minute tutorial
PLANET cheetah3d tutorialIn this tutorial we'll learn to model a glass and fill it with liquid. You'll also get to grips with using glass in Cheetah3D.
$5 - 1 hour tutorial
Wine glasses cheetah3d tutorialThis hard surface tutorial will cover everything you need to make your own hard surface models. We'll look at modelling, lighting, texturing, UV mapping and rendering.
$5 - 1 hour tutorial
AUDIO EQUIPMENT cheetah3d tutorial